Workforce Diversity Training Seminars Use Martial Arts

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Workforce Diversity Training

In my workforce diversity training seminars, I like to bring in martial arts elements much like I do in my personal development programs.  Not only does the martial arts help brand me in the speaker and seminar industry but the elements I bring into the presentations add an entertaining way for my audiences to learn.

You might be wondering how martial arts has anything to do with workforce diversity and that’s a great question.  Because of the influx of immigration in many westernized societies, the workforce of many companies out there have become quite diverse in terms of culture and religious backgrounds.

In order for any workforce to operate at its highest efficiencies, people from all sorts of different backgrounds must be able to work together in harmony.  This is sometimes a challenge for management at companies to somehow encourage their employees at all levels to see positive benefits of diversity.

How I Use Martial Arts For Diversity Training

Getting people from many different backgrounds at all levels to suddenly embrace diversity is impossible in many instances especially with groups that have had very little to do with each other.  But in my mind, that’s okay because you have to start somewhere.

Being able to interact well with others from different backgrounds is a form of comfort zone expansion.  There’s no need to to this quickly as it may lead to failure.  Instead, if people are encouraged to slowly integrate but on a regular basis, they will start to accept each other.

Martial arts training is the same thing.  To excel in martial arts, one must train on a regular basis but take each skill one at a time rather than try to learn everything at once.  I demonstrate this concept at all of my live workforce diversity training seminars as well as personal development programs with a karate weapon called a bo staff.

Past Video Using Karate Weapon

If you missed my past episode of Motivational WebTV where I demonstrated the use of my karate weapon, the bo staff and how it relateds to expanding comfort zones with new skills, catch it at Karate Weapon Video.


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