New Communication Skills For Business Leadership Program Added –

Started As Training Seminar For Meetup Event Organizers

Interesting how some things develop.  Last fall, I created a new training seminar for the event organizer team of my main Meetup group GTA Free Spirits.  In addition to myself, we had six other people who were event organizers for this Meetup group.  It was close to end of the year as events were winding down and I wanted to use the opportunity to put our team in for some training.

I noticed that different event organizers were at various levels in terms of the quality of their hosting skills for their events.  I wanted to bring everyone up to the same minimum level standard for our Meetup group and much of what they needed in my opinion was to bring their own communication skills up a notch.

The training seminar we conducted was very successful as well as revealing as our event organizers realized some of the shortcomings in their own communication and conversational skills they needed to work on.  Much of the concepts we explored were from the old Dale Carnegie classic, ‘How To Win Friends and Influence People’.  I took these concepts and applied it to our role as event hosts when running various events for our membership.

Communication Skills For Leadership

Our Meetup membership sees our event organizers as leaders during events and in order to be effective leaders, communication skills come into play, specifically, conversational skills.  I’ve noticed over the years that the best leaders in any organization are usually the best communicators.

Then over the months I realized that leadership training is a big thing in both the corporate and college campus worlds.  So I put two and two together and decided that the seminar program I had developed for our Meetup group event organizers would be perfect for other organizations seeking leadership skills training.  In my case, it would be the communication skills part of leadership training that I would focus on.

Since my new program is about communication skills, it features some active, hands on group activities so that participants get to try out and use the new skills they get exposed to during the program.  It is very much a seminar workshop rather than a keynote presentation then.

I’ll be adding this new communication skills for leadership program to both my corporate business/association as well as college/university sections since it is applicable to both worlds.  During a bad sudden spring ice storm over the weekend, I decided to use the time indoors and shoot some new videos that briefly describe this new program for both markets.

I’ve added this new program to my corporate business/associations section first along with the new video below.  I’ll do the same for the college/university section later this week which will be added to my college/university programs webpage.


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