My Experience With Cystoscopy Urology Procedure

My Experience With Cystoscopy Urology Procedure

I had a urology procedure two weeks ago called a cystoscopy which is a way for a doctor to look inside my bladder and prostate areas. For the benefit of my fellow men out there, I decided to shoot a video that describes how this procedure is done and what to expect during and after cystoscopy.

Granted that this video would be of no interest to most women and younger men who have perfect urological health so far, it would benefit mainly just those guys who are booked for a cystoscopy appointment or thinking of getting one as recommended by their doctors.

I was recommended for a cystoscopy because of my bph (benign prostatic hyperplasia) symptoms and the urologist wanted to see if my bladder was okay or not.

My cystoscopy experience

Guys who have upcoming appointments for a cystoscopy are free to ask me any questions about it in the comments section below.


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