Group Theory Of Motivation At Executive Network

theory of motivation executive networking happen
Creative Commons License photo credit: jdlasica

Group Theory Of Motivation

I did my fifth talk for this morning which is Canada’s largest executive networking group.  My previous times speaking for them was when I did my ‘Kick Down Diversity Barriers‘ talk at each of their meeting locations.  Today, I did my signature motivational presentation based on my book, ‘The Life Champion In You’.  During the talk, I discussed the group theory of motivation where sometimes it’s very beneficial to be involved with others who are liked minded in a positive way.

One audience member asked me how I keep motivated during times that are down and then she realized that she comes to the Happen meetings to get a lift from the others.  This shows that the group theory of motivation does in fact work very well.

Get In With Highly Motivated Groups

I explained during my talk that it is very important to keep company with other people who are highly motivated since the energies felt will be transferred to each individual.  Groups also tend to not only keep each person inspired, but also is quite effective in keeping people accountable.  People will not slack off as much when there are others pushing them once in a while.

Happen Executive Network

This is why groups such as Happen is so important.  Since executives at companies get laid off is now a very common occurence these days due to the economy, they need a place to not only learn the best ways to job search again but also to network.  The meetings are also a great source of much needed motivation for executives who lost their jobs.

This executive networking group is a prime example of how well the group theory of motivation can work for an individual’s professional and personal well being.  Since they are local to me, I support them as a guest speaker from time to time.

Happen currently runs meetings in Mississauga, Burlington and Vancouver.  If you are an executive who is currenly out of work and close to any of these three geographical areas, I would strongly suggest that you check them out at


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