Speaker On Diversity And Inclusion At HR Association Events

Speaker On Diversity And Inclusion

I have been a speaker on diversity and inclusion at various HR association events in the greater Toronto area since this is a key topic area for many HR professionals.  Here are some of the comments from chapters of the HR Association of Ontario about my talks.

“Clint, thank you for being our Keynote Speaker at our Annual General Meeting in January 2010.  Our AGM turnout is very high and it is an extremely important time of year where we update the membership with regards to what the Board of Directors have done the past 12 months.  Given the importance of this meeting it is essential that we have an interesting and stimulating speaker who can hold the audience’s attention, as the AGM tends to be longer than our usual monthly events.”

“Your presentation ‘Kick Down Diversity Barriers for Business and Personal Success’ was excellent and was very well received.  It was athought provoking and captivating presentation that provided a fresh perspective on the subject.  Your dynamic delivery spiced by a bit of humor kept the audience engaged.”

“We were impressed by your passion and enthusiasm and found your talk quite inspirational. We are confident that the audience went home with new ideas and strategies to develop and apply their diversity skills both at work and in their personal lives. Once again, thank you very much for your interesting and enthusiastic presentation.”

Kim Voisin, CHRP, President, HR Professional Association of West Toronto

“Clint is an engaging speaker; he injected humour and wisdom into his session.  Clint shared real life examples to help us to identify stereotypes and see the absurdity that can result when stereotypes are followed.  Clint showed us that there is beauty in everyone, and he reminded us that some of the world’s most successful people have broken diversity barriers to achieve successful careers as renowned athletes, actors, and politicians.”

“Our members understand that embracing diversity is good for business.  Clint showed us that we are truly privileged to have a diverse talent pool.  We can recruit and develop individuals from amongst the best talent the world has to offer!  At the close of our dinner meeting, Clint taught us a basic karate move, it was difficult at first, but with a bit of practice it became much more natural.  Clint reminded us that embracing diversity can become a natural part of who we are and what we do – with practice we can get even better!”

Marsha Sulewski, Prof. Development Director, Hamilton HR Association of Ontario


Diversity And Inclusion Talks Available For Future HR Events

I always look forward to presenting to future HR events whether it is my talk on diversity and inclusion or my motivational presentations.  To see a full description of my available presentations, see my business motivational speaker page.

hr associations diversity and inclusion
Creative Commons License photo credit: markhillary
