Motivation Quotes From Last Part Of January

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Motivation Quotes

Here are the motivation quotes that I posted at my Motivation Facebook page during the last past of January.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

“Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.” ~ Lloyd Jones

“Throw yourself wholeheartedly into your work; the more you enjoy it the better you get.” – Brian Tracy

“Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.” – Robert Lewis Stevenson

“A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.” ~ William Arthur Ward

“Whoever loves and understands a garden will find contentment within.” ~ Chinese Proverb

The first motivation quotes above by Albert Schweitzer is so important because it keeps reminding us that success alone is not enough for happiness.  Look at so many people who are supposely successful yet they are unhappy.  You read about such cases with celebrities all the time so we know that success is not enough.  Instead, you must be happy to be really successful and much of it involves doing the things that you love doing.

Here are the other motivation quotes I posted.

“Humility makes great men twice honorable.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill

“When you make a world tolerable for yourself you make a world tolerable for others.” – Anais Nin

“What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln

“If life gives you limes, make margaritas.” ~Jimmy Buffett

The motivation quotes above by Abraham Lincoln is also quite inspiring as it suggests that happiness is really a result of a decision that each of us make for ourselves.  If we choose to be happy, we will do the things that will make us happy.  Happiness never really comes as a result of what somebody else does for us for the long term.

So the whole idea of being able to make somebody, whether a significant other or relative or friend, happy, is really only for the short term in my opinion.  Long term happiness is a choice we all have to make.

Share Motivation Quotes With Others

I post these types of motivation quotes on a daily basis at my Motivation Facebook page.  If you would like to get them at your Facebook newsfeed as they are posted so that you could be inspired on a day to day basis, just hit the LIKE button at my Motivation Facebook page – can also do this at the sidebar of this blog.  Also use the various social media buttons below too.

Which one(s) from the above do you really like?  Feel free to comment at the comments section below.  If you missed the last motivation quotes summary, see it at More Success Quotes For January.

Don’t forget that if you want to see motivational videos, I have an entire collection of past episodes of Motivational WebTV archived for your viewing pleasure.


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