Learning Final Cut To Bring You Better Motivational Videos

Better Motivational Videos In The Future

I’ve been using iMovie in my Apple Macbook to edit clips to produce my motivational videos for the last year.  iMovie has been okay, relatively easy to use for Motivational WebTV.  However, there have been instances where I would like to have better video quality especially for indoor scenes.

It turns out that iMovie, although easy to use, really compresses video clips when exporting them to final video files.  In YouTube where they have a larger video screen size, some of my motivational videos lose some focus and I’m not too happy about this.

Enter Final Cut Express

Apple has another series of video editing software called Final Cut.  They have a high level version called Final Cut Pro and a smaller more compact version called Final Cut Express.  I’ve just acquired Final Cut Express and after attending a free workshop at my local Apple store, it looks much more powerful than iMovie.

However, Final Cut also looks much more complicated to use compared to iMovie.  But since I am committed to bringing you better quality motivational videos, I want to take the time to learn enough of Final Cut Express to at least do what I have done with iMovie in my video series.  This will probably represent only a small percentage of what the software is capable of.

Side By Side Comparison Of Motivational Videos

I shot some short video footage and without much editing, I produced test video files from both iMovie and Final Cut Express.  With a side by side comparison, I could see that the version produced by Final Cut Express does result in a slightly better quality video.

The next few episodes of Motivational WebTV were already produced back during the holiday season before the New Year.  So they were still produced on iMovie.  I’m going to start learning Final Cut Express and it might take me some time to get up to speed at least enough to do what I did with iMovie.  But hopefully by February or March, I will be producing all my Motivational Videos WebTV series using Final Cut Express.

If any of you have experience with Final Cut, I would love to hear about your opinions about it below at my comments sections.

Slowly growing...
Creative Commons License photo credit: Lights Out Photos


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