Helping College University Students Prepare For Careers

college university speaker careers preparation students

Careers Prep For College University Students

I’ve been away from the college speaking scene for a while due to my focus on real estate investing but since my investment properties have been getting stablized, I am making my time available again for campuses.  Also, the recent media news about various incidents of sexual assaults and hazing on campuses have steered me to make my Effective Self Defense Intensive seminar available to college and university students.

This return to the college scene has also resulted in another development.  I’ve been reviewing all of my college speaking programs and have decided to create a new main topic I would offer to campuses (not including my self defense seminars).

I noticed that my speaking programs to high school students/youth are very well received since they help that audience prepare for their future careers.  Since college and university students are even closer to that point where they will be entering the workforce, it made sense to create a new presentation geared for them.

Since I am a former corporate executive with 20+ of industry experience and was directly responsible for hiring employees, I would be an ideal college speaker to help students gain a competitive edge to successfully enter their new future careers.

New Careers Presentation Program For College University Students

This new college speaking program called Blasting Off To Your Awesome Future Career will cover important career skills as well as elements of diversity and motivational personal development since they all impact career success.

Here is a new video where I give a brief overview of this new college speaking program on career preparation for students.

For more details on Blasting Off To Your Awesome Future Career and other programs for campuses, see my college speaking programs.


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