Fun Diversity Training Activities With Food

chinese food ethnic cuisine diversity training activities
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Diversity Training Activities

As supporters and promoters of cultural diversity, one of the best ways to expose people to more culture in a really fun way is through food.  After all, everybody like food and since each culture has unique culinary dishes, experiencing different ethnic foods in a group setting is one of the most fun diversity training activities possible.

Don’t Do Take Out Chinese Food For This Activity

However, experiencing ethnic food doesn’t mean simply ordering Chinese food take out for example.  First of all, take out food is usually not that authentic in terms of ethnic food.  Instead, take out versions are usually convenient westernized imitations of ethnic cuisine.  And also, there isn’t much valuable and satisfying social interaction with folks from other cultures if just ordering take out.

Instead, go to a real, authentic ethnic restaurant or go to an ethnic person’s home (by invitation of course) to experience the real thing.  Of course, some ethnic dishes might look a bit scary or adventurous so it is always recommended to have a member of that ethnic community present to explain the various types of authentic, ethnic dishes present.

Social Interaction Is The Key In Diversity Training Activities

The food is really just a prop in these types of diversity training activities because it’s the actual social interaction with people from other cultures that is the real key to the overall experience and education.  After all, the main objective of diversity exposure is to get to know other people from different cultures in addition to their food.

Not only do I like to host events that involve authentic Chinese cuisine to help expose my friends and business associates to Chinese culture, I like to experience as much cuisine from other cultures as well, especially with people from where the dishes originate.  I think being around food is one of the best ways to get to know other people.  This concept has been around for dating, business lunches as well as other social meals.  By extending this same activity to ethnic foods which include interactions with people from different cultures just turns it into diversity training activities in a really fun environment.

Chinese Food In Diversity Video

To see a video of how I entertain some friends at a real, authentic Chinese restaurant featuring dim sum luncheon, check out my past episode of Motivational WebTV with Chinese Food In Diversity.


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