Why Fasting Diets Not Part Of My Personal Improvement For Health

Obese Teen
Creative Commons License photo credit: FBellon

Personal Improvement For Health

As you may have read before in past posts, I totally believe that health is part of personal improvement.  I’ve been reading in a forum about people trying all sorts of temporary diets and fasting regimes like no protein, no carbs, water fasting, etc.

Most are having a hard time with such extreme temporary changes in their diet and even those who are able to get through a regime for a certain time period, realize that if they want desired results, whatever they might be, will have to do another cycle at some point.

Fasting Diets Not For Me

This one young girl was particularly in distress as she failed halfway in a water fast.  She claims that she wants to be healthier and have healthy eating habits so she planned to attempt another fast.

My response to her was that she should ask herself of another more general question about health.  I think she should ask herself, if she wants to have relatively permanent or long term states of health, how would she achieve that if she does not adopt permanent, long term health habits?

Temporary diets of any kind including fasting of certain foods or liquids is not part of my personal improvement for health.  I want long term health and realize that this is possible only with permanent health and lifestyle changes.

Folks who want to lose weight should take note of this as well.  Temporary diets, especially extreme ones, might help lose some initial weight at first.  But such diets can rarely be sustained because of their extreme characteristics.  Once people go off these temporary diets and revert back to their old ways of eating, all that initial weight lost is gained back and maybe even more.

This sort of rebound happens a lot unfortunately.  This is why temporary diets do not work for the long term.  Again, if one wants permanent results, one must adopt permanent changes as well.

If you have experienced a temporary diet or fasting of some type, feel free to share it below.  Also, if you ever made permanent changes to your lifestyle, please share below as well.

To learn about motivation techniques I adopt for permanent personal improvement, see my free 3-part Personal Development Video Series by getting access below (or see the intro video at the top sidebar on the left).


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