Toronto Mississauga Martial Arts Weapons Private Lessons

martial arts weapons bo staff private lessons training toronto mississauga

Toronto Mississauga Martial Arts Weapons Training

There are many martial arts schools and clubs in the Toronto and Mississauga areas.  Many different styles of martial arts including karate, tae kwon do, kung fu, judo, jujitsu, muay thai, mixed martial arts and more are all represented.

Most of these Toronto Mississauga martial arts schools do not offer any martial arts weapons training.  And of those who do have some martial arts weapons included in their classes, most are of the traditional nature.

This is especially true of most tae kwon do, judo, MMA and even the majority of karate schools who do not train in weapons.  Martial arts weapons is a higher level element or component that will enrich and broaden the horizons for any martial arts student.

Indeed, martial arts weapon demonstrations and forms usually generate the most interest and entertainment value from audiences of both martial artists and non-martial artists.  There’s something about holding and manipulating a weapon with precise techniques that captivates audiences much more compared to most empty hand forms or martial arts routines without weapons.

Martial Arts Weapons Private Lessons

If you are training in martial arts but never had the opportunity to learn any form of martial arts weapons, here’s your chance to do so in the greater Toronto area or Mississauga Peel region.

Starting this spring, I will be willing to teach martial arts students (and instructors) the karate weapon bo staff.  This was my main martial arts weapon during my competition years.  The video below will show an example of my competition form with the karate bo staff.

You can now learn how to use the bo staff as I teach you the techniques I use in my bo staff form on a one on one basis through private lessons.  I can teach you the same bo staff form shown in the video (or a simpler version of it).

My bo staff form is not traditional but instead is an open, freestyle form based on a combination of Japanese karate, Chinese wushu and modern competition freestyle techniques.  I call my style of bo staff, ‘Universal Bo Staff’ since I can cater and modify it for martial arts students who are right or left handed!

In other words, I can customize the bo staff to fit your body preferences no matter which side is your dominant or stronger side.

The only requirement I have in order to accept potential students is that they must be of an intermediate level ability in any martial arts style. This would be equivalent to about green belt level in most karate and tae kwon do styles.

If you are a beginner in martial arts, it’s better to let your local schools and clubs teach you martial arts basics first.  Martial arts weapons training is more specialized and it’s better for you to get your basics solid first.  From a cost and time perspective, it would be more affordable too if you learn martial arts basics from local instructors.

Also, I’m willing to teach any age, adult and children, as long as an intermediate level has been reached.

I teach private lessons lasting one hour at a time and these can be done either at my home outside in my backyard or at your place in a similar outdoor area.  I can also teach indoor at your home or gym as long as the ceiling is high enough to accommodate swinging bo staffs up to six feet long.

You now have the opportunity to learn directly from a martial arts world champion on a private one on one basis (or semi-private if you want to learn with friends or family members).

Here are my private lesson rates (all lessons are one hour duration);

Private One On One Lesson : $80
Semi Private Lesson : $60 each person
Private Package Of Four Lessons : $240
Semi Private Package Of Four Lessons : $160 each person

I am based in west Mississauga and can travel anywhere in Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville and Milton at the above lesson rates.  I can also travel anywhere in the GTA but a $10 gas surcharge per round trip would apply.  Any parking charges on site must be covered as well.

These rates are extremely reasonable considering that you can have a martial arts world champion and former member of the Canadian National Karate Team train you on a private one on one basis even in the comfort of your home if you wish.

For areas outside of Peel region and GTA, please contact me to inquire about additional travel rates.

The days and times we schedule private lessons are quite flexible and no long term commitments nor memberships are required since you are not joining another martial arts school or club.  You can pay as you learn and continue to take as many lessons as you wish as long as I have the time available.  You can even just take one single lesson to try out the bo staff to see if you like it.

I can provide an adult length bo staff for use during private lessons or you can use any stick (like a broom stick) if you wish.

Other Martial Arts Private Lessons Available

I am also available to teach my Chinese Kung Fu Wushu competition (non-acrobatic empty hand) form as well at the same rates as above.

private lessons martial arts training weapons bo staff toronto mississauga







If you are interested in taking private lessons from me to learn either bo staff or a Chinese Kung Fu form to expand your martial arts horizons, feel free to contact me via the comments below with your email and/or phone number and I will contact you.


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