The In Harmony Antiracism Antidiscrimination Music Project

antiracism antidiscrimination racism discrimination in harmony music lyrics diversity multicultural multiculturalism
Writing the lyrics of In Harmony

In Harmony Music Project

Hope you all caught my last post about racism and discrimination which also hinted about how I’m going to do some projects to promote antiracism as well as antidiscrimination. The first big project I’ve already been working on throughout the pandemic already is what I call my In Harmony project which is focused on a song I wrote with the same title.

This song is about antiracism and antidiscrimination and was actually written a few years ago although it’s only been at the start of the Covid 19 pandemic that it was further developed. Over the years I came up with bits and pieces of the lyrics but it was during a hotel stay in Mexico one year when about 80% of it was written as the words just poured out of me. Here is the finished lyric for In Harmony.

In Harmony

The TV news made me feel sad
Once again people hurt real bad
Just because they’re not the same
They don’t deserve all of this pain

Why do we have to hurt each other?
Just because we believe in different ways?
In the end we all really want the same thing
To live in a world we’re free to sing

It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony
It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony

Sometimes dark ages still live in us
Still full of hatred and much distrust
Have we as humans evolved at all?
We have to learn or we all will fall

Imagine a world we’re free to choose
Imagine a world we’re free to love
Are you ready to make this dream come real?
Spread this call like birds high above

It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony
It’s time to live in harmony
We want to live in harmony

Copyright Clint Cora 2015

Most of the music and melody of In Harmony had already been composed on guitar even before I came up with the lyrics but it was not until the lyrics were finished when I was able to put the words and music together as a song. During the pandemic, I built a home recording studio and all the music tracks for the tune were recorded as well as my vocal tracks. I’ll reveal the music through audio tracks in a future upcoming post soon.

Since the messages contained within this song are important in my mind as they are promoting antiracism and antidiscrimination, I also wanted to get the lyrics translated to a few different foreign languages with French, Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin to start. I chose French since it’s one of the official languages of Canada where I live and Cantonese since I already have a street level knowledge of this Chinese dialect. I also wanted to get In Harmony translated into Spanish and Mandarin since along with English, they form the top three most commonly spoken languages in the world.

After In Harmony is successfully translated into the above foreign languages, I will have different versions of the song recorded in these same foreign languages. I already have a few friends with knowledge of these foreign languages working on the translations for me and I’ll report on their developments in future posts as well.

I’ll need different singers to join me in singing this song in the various languages at my home studio and once they are done, I want to do different videos for each version. I might do different videos for each single language version as well to get other people in the community involved. This is how In Harmony becomes a community project which is part of the fun.


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