New Video Of Martial Arts Weapons Bo Staff

martial arts weapons bo staff karate clint cora video

Martial Arts Weapons

It’s been several years since I have shot and released a video of myself performing martial arts so I thought that this would be a great time to do a new one, especially since I’m also several years retired from active competition.  Although my performance is nowhere near how I was in my prime competition years, I wanted to capture at least a half decent one of my martial arts weapons form (routine) which I would not be ashamed of showing to my friends and the public.

I also wanted to do such a new video in a nice location.  My past video of my bo staff martial arts weapon was in Montreal when I lived there.  It was on top of this big hill at a park.  This time, I got to shoot the new video right on a beach located in Mississauga where I currently live.

I chose the nicest sandy beach at Jack Darling Park right on Lake Ontario and although it’s nowhere as nice as a tropical Caribbean beach, it’s still a pretty scenic location for a video shoot.

Martial Arts Weapon Bo Staff Form From Different Angles

Another thing I decided to do in this new video is instead of shooting only from a single angle, I shot from four different directions.  So the different angles made the overall video much more interesting.

I also performed my martial arts weapon bo staff form more than once so I was able to end up with two different videos.  The first video is multi-angle while the second video is of another performance from a distance.  I will release the second video in another blog post.

Here is the first martial arts weapons video I’m releasing featuring my bo staff form.

Effective Self Defense Techniques

The martial arts weaponry moves I’m doing are based on extension of empty hand martial arts techniques and as you will see in these videos, some of them are quite fancy.  These are in complete contrast to the techniques I teach for self defense purposes.  Effective self defense techniques are usually not the fancy moves you see in movies or routines like the ones in my new videos.

The martial arts weapon bo staff moves I perform are designed to impress an audience (and judges in the competition arena).  Although they are martial arts techniques, they are often not the most practical on the street.

The effective self defense techniques I teach in seminars and also in my DVD program simply called Effective Self Defense With Karate World Champion Clint Cora, are not designed to look impressive.  Instead, they are designed to help you escape from a potentially dangerous situation using simple yet very effective techniques.

If you are interested in learning self defense, I would urge you to go to the above link for more information.  But meanwhile, do enjoy the entertainment of the martial arts weaponry video I have here.



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