Effective Self Defense Training Seminar Classes Added

effective self defense training classes seminar clint cora

Effective Self Defense Training Classes

It’s weird but I’ve been teaching self defense to literally hundreds and hundreds of student at colleges, universities, health clubs and companies for years. But for some reason, I’ve never included my self defense training classes as part of my clintcora.com website.

But this week with the upcoming launch of my new video program called Effective Self Defense With Karate World Champion Clint Cora, I have finally decided to add the self defense training classes as an official seminar program along with my other speaking programs.  In fact, this three hour seminar can even be combined with any other of my speaking programs for organizations to make it a very intensive day of learning.

I spent about 2 days modifying the website to include both the effective self defense training classes as well as the video program so that visitors can easily find information on them.  The self defense seminars are even linked in the top menu in the Seminars/Programs section at each of my webpages at the website.

So it’s official!  My Effective Self Defense training seminar is available for your group and there is even a way to get the program for FREE!

You will just have to go over to the information webpage linked to see how this can be done.

Effective Self Defense Instruction Video

Meanwhile, the Effective Self Defense instruction video, which is based on what I teach in my live seminar, is also displayed prominently on the left side of this blog.  Click on the graphic of the DVD cover and you will be taken to a dedicated webpage that has video where I and some of my students talk about the self defense I teach.

The self defense training I provide is provided at all of my seminars with a lot of heart because for me, I feel that it is part of the way I give back to the community by making as many women safe as possible.  You will definitely see more about self defense in upcoming posts here.


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