Human Diversity Inuit Throat Singers In Motivational Music Video WebTV #37

Inuit Throat Singers Motivational Music Video

Here is an incredible display of culture today and for many of you unfamiliar with our Canadian northern Arctic Inuit culture, it will be a very unique educational opportunity as well.  I went to an aboriginal festival in my hometown of Mississauga, Ontario last summer and shot some great video footage.  I went to this event to increase my own exposure to cultural human diversity which I believe is important for personal growth.

Well, was I ever lucky to have attended because among the performers there were two Inuit throat singers.  For those of you who are not familiar, the Inuit are our aboriginal peoples from our high Arctic north in Canada.  The Inuit women have a motivational music performing art called Inuit throat singing which they use to do for entertainment while their men were away on hunting expeditions.

Although the art of Inuit throat singing declined sharply over the years because of the integration of the Inuit into North American society, there has been a recent resurgence in this art form.  That’s very fortunate for the rest of us as we can now enjoy this very unique type of cultural diversity experience with the Inuit throat singers.

Human Diversity On Video

Of course, I couldn’t resist putting some of the better video footage I shot into a new motivational music video episode of my Motivational WebTV series since it will be related to the rewards of cultural human diversity exposure which I’m a big fan of.   I think you will be amazed at what they Inuit women can do whether you will be seeing Inuit throat singing for the first time or if you have already seen it before.

I was completely taken in by the performance of these Inuit throat singers and would love to get your opinion of them at the comments section below.  Here is the new motivational music video showing a great example of human diversity.

If you know others who would enjoy this motivational music video with the Inuit throat singers and their human diversity, please share it with them.  There are buttons on the blog post to easily share it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and by email.  All past episodes are at my Motivational WebTV Archive.

Again, feel free to leave your comments about this motivational video with human diversity at the Facebook or blog comments section too.

By the way, if you haven’t voiced your input into my quick survey to help me improve these videos, please take 2-3 minutes at Motivational Videos Survey.

Many thanks!


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