Will Keep Inspirational Videos Survey Going

Inspirational Videos Survey

Many thanks for all of you have taken the 2-3 minutes to complete my survey on my inspirational videos so far.  The responses have been very revealing and they will certainly help me improve my inspirational videos series.  I’m going to keep this survey running online for at least another week before I start to compile all the results.

Maybe New Episode of Motivational WebTV On Survey

I might even do a new episode of Motivational WebTV to talk about the results of this survey and what I will likely implement for future inspirational videos.  I’m thinking that this will really show everyone out there that I’m really taken all of the awesome input quite seriously.

Some things of course might take awhile to get implemented while some will be quicker.  For the next 2-3 episodes, you will see inspirational videos that may or may not reflect some of the suggestions simply because these were already completed shows I have ‘in the can’ waiting to be released.  I like to have at least 2 or so new episodes waiting in line at all times just in case for some reason I get too busy with other projects which might slow down my production of inspirational videos.

If you still haven’t had a chance to add your voice into this survey, please do so and it is quite short.  Only four questions and most of multiple choice type of questions.

Take the survey here at Inspirational Videos Survey

I really appreciate all your suggestions and input to help me improve my Motivational WebTV series which in turn will make a better viewing experience for you.

If you missed any past episodes, catch them at my Motivational WebTV Archive.  And please share any inspirational videos episodes you like with your friends and colleagues via the easy Facebook, Twitter or email buttons below this post.

Surveying in Central Texas
Creative Commons License photo credit: survcentex


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