What Will You Be Doing Differently For Success And Personal Growth In 2012?

Dangerous Questions
Creative Commons License photo credit: pCka

Personal Growth In 2012

Here’s a question for you — what will you be doing differently for more success and personal growth in 2012?

Whether you had a great year in 2011 or you feel you could have done better, I’m sure to assume that we all want to do better in 2012.  As you can appreciate, one cannot have better results if one does the same old things all the time.

In order to improve for any type of success or personal growth, we must do some things differently that we have not done before in the past.  After all, same habits will usually result in the same results.  If we want to change the results, we must change the habits.

Connect With More Like Minded People

For me, one of the things that I will be focusing more of my efforts in will be to connect with more like minded people, especially in some key areas I want to pursue in 2012.  For example, one of the areas I want to be more active in is real estate investment because I feel that this is something I should do in order to secure my future personal finances.

I strongly feel that personal finance should be a part of overall personal development.  Although I understand that one can achieve personal growth without a financial component, I would rather factor it into my equation since I am sure that for myself, I would be able to achieve more personal growth with a solid financial future.

For example, I would want to travel more to exotic destinations and this would require money if I want to travel in relative comfort – I don’t want to sleep in hostels or camp outdoors.  So for me, adequate funding would be required for some of the types of personal growth activities that I would want.

But in order to be successful in something like real estate investing, I would have to spend some time educating myself since my knowledge in this area is limited.  Also, I would want to get the proper motivation, knowledge and potential partners for investment projects through meeting more like minded people who are also interested in building wealth through real estate.

This is where being with like minded people comes into play.  I’m already doing this type of thing big time in one of my passions which is snow skiing.  I already covered this particular example in my last episode of Motivational WebTV and in case you missed it, here it is again below.

Another thing that I intend to do in 2012 that I’ve already been gradually doing over the years but will have more emphasis in, is to concentrate more on doing the things I like doing and removing the activities that I don’t really like doing.  Real success is doing the things I like doing rather than just doing things that I may not necessarily like for the sake of money.  Realizing this and taking the right action is personal growth to me and I do believe that it is possible to make money with the things I like doing and taking out or delegating the things I don’t like doing.

I’ll have some examples to share in future blog posts.

What about you?  What will you be doing differently in 2012 for your success and personal growth?  Please feel free to share below.


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