Self Development Involves Not Worrying About Pleasing Everybody

Porche 911 GT3
Creative Commons License photo credit: adityasen

Important For Your Self Development

I want to continue on with the theme from my last video episode of Motivational WebTV where I talked about my self growth tip on how to stop worrying about how others think of you.  As I said in that video and article, many people will feel trapped because they are so concerned about other people’s opinions.  I want to help these folks get out of this mode because I feel that it is extremely important for self development to learn not to worry about pleasing everyone out there.

Key Business Principle Related To Self Development

In fact, we have a key business principle that can help illustrate this concept really well.  No business out there can please the entire market they operate in.  Not even the big companies or retail stores.

For example, even though Walmart will have a wide audience, they will not be able to please all customers.  Some shoppers would never shop at Walmart no matter how low the prices are.  They would rather pay higher prices for perhaps more premium products and shop in a higher end retail environment.  So Walmart as a result, chooses to cater only to those consumers interested in mass merchandising rather than the high end shoppers.

Car makers are the same thing.  Every manufacturer knows that they will not be able to cater to the entire automobile market.  So each manufacturer tries to position themselves to a certain target market segment of the auto buying public.

That is why there are different car makers catering to different market segments such as those who want fuel efficiency, those who want a low cost vehicle just to get around, those who want safety and those who are still willing to pay big dollars for high end sports cars.  You never get a car maker going after the entire market because they know that they would fail miserably if they tried.

Don’t Worry About Pleasing Everybody For Self Development

This is the same in personal life and self development as well.  Don’t worry about pleasing everybody out there because it’s just not possible.  Just like in the world of business, the range of consumers and therefore people, is just too wide.  No single business or person can be well accepted by the entire spectrum.  That’s just the way it is so accept it.

Self development involves that you accept this and recognize that you can’t be accepted by everyone.  I’m well aware that as a motivational speaker and self development personal growth author, I will not be everyone’s cup of tea.  I’ve accepted that so I don’t try to please everyone.  I just cater to those who will like my style of speaking and the information I have to offer.  I don’t worry about those who will perhaps never be my audience.  Just like how Porche is not going to care about how the fuel efficiency focused auto buyer feels about their latest sports cars.

For you to be successful in your self development, just be aware of who would accept you 100%.  Those are the people you should treat really well as they are your true friends and business clients.  Don’t worry about the rest of the people out there.

Taking this type of stance has personally resulted in much less stress in both my business and personal life.  I’m no longer stressed out trying to please the world.  I have my business and personal audience that accepts me and I do whatever I can to please just them.  I’m not concerned about others outside this group.

This might be a strong shift for some people but if you have any comments about this stance in self development, please share in the comments section below.


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