When I Saw The Planet Saturn

planet saturn telescope personal growth astronomy

Planet Saturn Through Telescope

The other week, I organized an event for my Toronto social Meetup group GTA Free Spirits to Riverwood Conservancy in Mississauga.  It was held during the evening since a local astronomy society had set up several big telescopes for people to view the stars.

I had never viewed the skies through a telescope before so I thought this would be a neat event to organize.  We had a great turn out of twenty people and none of us were disappointed.

At first, the telescopes were aimed at the moon and we got to see some pretty impressive views of it with craters visible.  It was just like those amazing photos from National Geographic except we were seeing these images live.

We also got to see with our naked eyes, the International Space Station moving across the sky as pointed out by one of our host astronomy experts.  But the most awesome sight to see came a bit later in the evening.

They set up one or two large telescopes towards the planet Saturn and one of them resulted in a view that put me in awe.  Although it was not as large nor colourful on the telescope as the moon was, I was able to clearly see Saturn along with its RINGS!

What an amazing view!

I’m sure that by now, everyone who ever went to school has already seen Saturn in a photo or drawing.  But to actually see the planet with its rings live, ie., the real thing, was very inspiring.

Saturn Reminded Me Of Important Personal Growth Concept

Seeing Saturn impacted me in a surprising way.  It reminded me of a very important personal growth concept especially on how we deal with our day to day personal problems.

Many of us tend to unnecessarily magnify our personal problems in a way that they completely run our lives.  We see our problems as our entire world or even universe.

Well, when I finally saw Saturn live, it reminded me just how big the universe is out there and just how insignificant we are on our little part of planet Earth in comparison.

Our problems are NOT as big as the universe, not even close!

While it’s okay to have personal problems, don’t let them take over our lives.  Learn from then, learn how to deal with them and move onto better things.

The planet Saturn and all the other stars and planets out there have been around for a lot longer than our little problems.  Realizing this and changing the way we handle our day to day problems will go a LONG way in our own personal growth.

Check out my webpage of my personal growth resources to help you grow.


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