New Keynote On Achieving Financial Independence Now Available

achieving financial independence achieve financial freedom real estate investing real estate investments

Achieving Financial Independence Keynote

I think most people I know have been affected adversely by the recession with higher credit card debt levels, rising gas prices combined with low dismal returns on investments such as GICs, mutual funds, stocks and bonds.  And if you are a parent planning to put kids through college or university, you are also looking at skyrocketing college tuitions.

So a new keynote on achieving financial independence which has numerous powerful tactics to get you through all this financial mess would really come in handy for organizations and groups who would like to get such useful information passed onto their people.  In times of people losing their credit, I’ll even show how I maintain my 800+ credit score.

Financial Independence Resulting From Real Estate Investing

One major area of this new presentation is how I moved away from standard investments such as mutual funds and into real estate investing for significantly higher returns.  Real estate investing is scary for most people because of the large numbers as well as the recent real estate crash in the USA.

But as an active real estate investor myself with multiple properties that are moving me well along towards achieving financial independence, I’ll provide actual real life numbers from my own real estate properties.  Interesting and effective strategies around real estate investments will also be presented in this keynote.

The new speaking program itself is called ‘The Sensible Way To Financial Freedom” and a short video overview of some of the topics covered is below.

If you are not part of a group that can book me in for this talk but still would love to hear the content of this new presentation, don’t worry because I will provide an online version in a 3-part video series for all of my registered readers and viewers.  These are the same good folks who signed up for my 3-part Personal Development series either at the top left of this blog or just below this post.

If you are a part of a company or organization who can book speakers in, see the details of this new presentation as well as all of my available talks at my Business Motivational Speaker programs webpage.


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