Motivational Thoughts At The Motivation Station

Motivational Thoughts At Blog

There’s a really neat blog out there called The Motivation Station and they have a really interesting concept.  They put out a different blog post with motivational thoughts each day of the week and it turns out that each day is headed up by a different blogger.   It’s a group of blogging friends that work together to inspire each other.

Each of these team members like to focus on a slightly different area of life such as health and fitness, finances, life balance, etc.  Their age ranges are from 20s to 60s which also gives a wide perspective on things with different motivational thoughts that appear on The Motivation Station.

Guest Post On The Motivation Station

One of the bloggers, Martha, invited me to write a guest post for their blog so I submitted one on important skills for careers and business with a special mention on children since I’m assuming that many of the readers of The Motivation Station will also be parents.  You can see my article I wrote for them at The Motivation Station Guest Post.

If you use Google Reader or a similar program to follow blogs (and I do advise that you do if you are not using such a program already), it’s very easy to add the RSS feed for The Motivation Station.  If you missed it, see my Video Tutorial On Google Reader for the example steps to take to do this with any blog.

Once you start to follow such blogs, you can easily enter your own comments for the posts you view as interesting and therefore contribute your own motivational thoughts to the post.

By the way, if you haven’t seen my 3-part Personal Development Video Series yet, see the intro video at the sidebar of this blog up at the top left (or just go to the link).

motivational thoughts motivation
Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney



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