Always Learning For Self Growth To Serve My Readers

Learning For Self Growth

I always believe that there is continued room for learning as part of self growth. Even after your formal education whether it be college, university, trade school or high school, is finished, there’s always something new to learn in order to be more effective in your life. These efforts in continued self growth will make you better at your job which in turn will make you more money as well as make your life happier in general.

Your health and relationships will become better when you learn more about the best knowledge in these areas. The same thing of course goes with technical areas such as in computers, science and business. Things are always changing in these areas so it is important to keep up in order to remain success in these fields.

Self Growth To Better Serve My Readers

Today will be a great example of how I’m always learning as part of my own self growth. I will be attending a Final Cut workshop at one of our local Apple stores later this afternoon. Final Cut is Apple’s premium video editing software which I use but only at a very basic level.

I want to be able to provide my readers with better video viewing experiences so I’m attending this Final Cut workshop to learn more about this software and how I can improve my future videos for my Motivational WebTV series.  By the way, this video series is a great way to get some quick self growth learning in for yourself in minutes so do check the past episodes out if you haven’t yet already.

There’s already been a nice improvement in my videos when I switched over from using iMovie to Final Cut as well as implement some suggestions from my viewers.  But there is still room for improvement so I will be going into the workshop with some specific questions already in mind.

Other Areas Of Self Growth

Of course, software is not the only area I continue to learn in as there are many other areas of self growth for me. I’m always learning more in the fields of personal development, business and health as well. The more I learn, the more I will be able to share with my readers.

What about you? How are you continuing in your own self growth? Feel free to enter your thoughts about this in the comments section below.

self growth learning
Creative Commons License photo credit: Michele Ficara Manganelli


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