Raunchiest Part Of Karate Motivational Speaker Talk

Karate Motivational Speaker

There is a part during my motivational speeches that has been a bit controversial over the years.  As a karate motivational speaker, I feel that it’s appropriate for me to include martial arts elements in my talks.  I built up this little story around a particular martial arts strike called the Tiger Claw strike and it’s geared mainly towards the ladies in the audiences.

However, a few individuals over the years have objected to this part of my motivational speeches while at the same time, an overwhelming majority of my audiences have the extreme opposite response.  That is, they love this part.  It’s not that the majority of the audience were in the neutral area but this part was one of the most fun parts of my motivational speeches.

Motivational Speaker Will Keep Part In Motivational Speeches

So my decision is to keep this part, which is definitely the raunchiest section of my motivational speeches, intact.  I’ve come to realize that as a karate motivational speaker, I will not be able to please everyone.  And those odd individuals who have not reacted positively to my Tiger Claw strike section are not my audience anyway.

These are not the individuals who will ever come to a seminar I conduct or buy one of my books or audio programs.  So they are not my clients or customers in the first place while at the same time, my true audience really appreciates this particular section of my motivational speeches.

Here’s the section of my motivational speeches in question.

As you can see from the video clip, this is the usual response I get during my motivational speeches.  That is, the overwhelming majority seems to really love this part so I have no reason to delete it.  Those who don’t like it are not the audience I cater to.

If you have any comments regarding my Tiger Claw strike section, feel free to leave them below.
