Inspirational Speaker Helps You Keep Healthy Weight Levels

Vegetables Are My Friends
Creative Commons License photo credit: DennisSylvesterHurd

Inspirational Speaker Health Recipe Tip

In addition to regular exercise, what you eat on a regular basis is so important in helping you keep to a healthy weight level.  If you are serious about losing weight and want to keep it off, forget about those crash diets.  This inspirational speaker will give you a dose of reality.  Crash diets are not permanent so any weight that you do lose through them will usually be gained right back as soon as you go off the diets.

Instead, you have to make permanent changes to your diet in you want to lose and keep that excess weight off forever.  A total re-evaluation of everything you put into your mouth is in order and major adjustments should be made to ensure that you follow a healthy, balanced diet from now on.

Complete Overhaul Of Kitchen Shelves Required

You may have to do a complete overhaul of what’s in your kitchen shelves to get rid of those junk foods and anything else that is too high in fat content and sugar.  This is actually not a hard thing to do since with today’s many food options, there are many alternatives out there that not only are low in fat and sugar, but actually taste good.

Another bonus is that quite often, the healthiest foods out there are not the most expensive either since they are less processed than their unhealthy counterparts.  You may have to put a little more effort in food preparation with more raw ingredients rather than relying on convenient packaged meals.

Inspirational Speaker Shares Healthy Recipe

Let me share with you my healthy tuna salad recipe that I use for lunch a few times per week at home.  Here are the ingredients;

– tuna (in water)
– Romaine lettuce or other healthy varieties
– low fat chunks of cheddar cheese
– two slices of 100% whole wheat toast broken up like croutons
– low fat peanut butter spread on the toast

This is my tuna recipe that will not win any cooking awards but is certainly a very nutritious meal.  Top it off with a glass of skim milk and an apple, it’s actually a satisfying lunch that serves my relatively big appetite quite well.  Now that I’m also taking fresh lettuce straight from my vegetable garden, this recipe is now even better than ever!  If you missed my Motivational WebTV video on my vegetable garden, see it at Never Too Late To Learn New Skills.

To see the video where I actually demonstrate the preparation of this specific tuna salad, see my episode of Motivational WebTV called My Threat Against Iron Chefs.

It’s healthy meals like this that I eat as part of a balanced diet for the long term rather than some crash diet that you are going to be on for only several weeks that will bring you permanent success in the battle against weight.  I hope this inspirational speaker served you with some good ideas in terms of health today. Such meals taste good, are inexpensive to prepare and are healthy.  What more can you ask for?


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