Getting Past Procrastination

procrastination procrastinator
photo: Jeff McNeill

Too Much Procrastination

I did my signature motivation talk based on my book, The Life Champion In You, up in Richmond Hill last night to an appreciative audience.  During the question and answer session near the end of my talk, one audience member asked how he could get past his procrastination.  He admitted that he is a chronic procrastinator.

I’m sure that there are many others out there who also have this issue as well and this can hold back achieving many goals.  So it is very important to manage procrastination or even eliminate it altogether from your life.

To help such folks out, one of my most viewed past episodes of Motivational WebTV is on how to manage procrastination.  I knew that this would be a hot topic so I added this particular episode right at my home page of my website.  Down halfway where a few selected videos appear, the procrastination episode is the second one on the first row.

In this video as well as in my motivational presentation (see my available speaking programs), I maintain that one of the key answers in beating procrastination is to have other people help you.  Being involved in a group of people who will hold you accountable for your actions or in the case of procrastination, non-actions, will be the key difference.  Having others push you when needed will motivate you to take action rather  than keep things on the side as most procrastinators usually do.

If you haven’t seen this particular Motivational WebTV episode yet, just go to my home page of my website (linked on the navigation bar at the top of this blog page) and look for it about halfway down the page.

Other past episodes are at my Motivational WebTV archive.


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