Does Diversity Awareness Make You More Attractive?

diversity awareness
Creative Commons License photo credit: thomas_sly

Diversity Awareness

Do you ever notice that many women seem to find suave men with foreign accents (especially European for some reason) to be attractive?  Or what about women who just seem to be impressed when a man can order with quite ease in an ethnic restaurant?  And women love to hear about our adventures in exotic lands.  These are all examples of diversity awareness and the question is whether being more exposed to different cultures make you more attractive.

I do a fun audience participation activity during my ‘Kick Down Diversity Barriers For Success‘ talk where the ladies are asked to vote between two different males in terms of attractiveness.  This was covered in a video of my Motivational WebTV series and if you missed it, catch it at Fun Diversity Activities Video.

It seems that the more globally oriented we are, the more attractive we seem to be for the opposite sex, at least from the point of how women feel about men.  Is there something about being ‘worldly’ that makes some men more attractive?

Maybe women like men with adventurous spirits and part of travel and experiencing other lands and cultures equates to adventure.  Actually, I think all people, men and women alike, are entertained by the real adventurers of the world.

Easy To Increase Diversity Awareness

If it’s a matter of increasing our own diversity awareness to make ourselves seem more attractive to women, I don’t think it’s a very difficult thing to do.  Yes, the best thing to do is to spend your vacation time visiting exotic lands but if budget contraints are present, there’s a lot you can do within your own region assuming there is enough diversity to be found right in your own local communities.

Just be more open to spending time to experience what other local cultures have to offer in terms of entertainment, dining opporunities, etc.  In fact, perhaps such preparation should be added to those self help manuals for us men to make ourselves irresistable to women.

Now, whether this works the other way around is another question.  Would us men be more attracted to women with more diversity awareness?  I think in some cases, the answer might be yes and in some cases, maybe neutral but certainly never negative.  So I don’t think it would hurt for women to increase their diversity awareness either.

Again, if you haven’t checked out that video with the audience activity during my diversity presentation, do catch it since it’s a lot of fun.


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