Correlation Between Dating Success And Social Life

Jim and Summer from Salt Lake City, Utah
Creative Commons License photo credit: zooskpix

Dating Success And Social Life

I’ve noticed that in one of the forums I frequently visit, there is a recurring theme among many of the young men in particular.  Many of these guys claim that they have some type of fear when it comes to approaching and talking to beautiful women.  At the same time, quite often these guys also admit that they do not have many friends.  So I wonder if there is some type of correlation between dating success and social life.

I can relate to this issue myself because when I was a teen, I was also afraid of talking to the beauties of the opposite sex.  This actually persisted until my early 20s until I managed to finally resolve this and have enjoyed wonderful relationships with beautiful women ever since.

But when I read the stories of the poor guys going through what I went through many years ago and relate it back to my own experience, I think the correlation between one’s social life and success with women is quite strong.

Dating Life Improves As A Result Of Social Life

In my case, I started to lose my fear of women only when my own social life involving both guys and girls improved.  Thanks to meeting some new friends who were actually quite good at the social scene, the time spent in my improved social life enabled me to finally view beautiful women as real human beings rather than goddesses to be worshipped on some pedestal.

That’s the initial mistake I made — I put beautiful women up on this high pedestal and became in awe of them.  This is the same mistake that these young men are making now.  You just can’t be comfortable with people if you put them up on such pedestals.

As a result, many of these young guys who have this issue do not have many female friends, especially beautiful women among their friends in their general social life.

The Key To Dating Success

This is why I think the key to help these young guys out to become more successful with the women they desire, is to first become successful in their social lives involving both men and women. Without this would be skipping a necessary step in my humble opinion.

I’m sure that this would be similar in the case of women who need more confidence with men too as well as the older men who have this issue.

Once you get to know both beautiful women and men as real people, you can take them off the pedestals. With continued experience with such real people as friends, the fears will start to subside.

So what are everybody’s thoughts on this?  Please feel free to comment below in the comments area.

By the way, thanks to those who gave input in my latest survey about personal development events and guidance styles.  I can still use more so if you haven’t voiced your feedback, please hit the link to the short survey.


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