Canadian Motivational Speaker Helps Out New Dog Owners

#motivationalspeaker #dog #dogs #dogtraining #pets #puppy #puppies #puppytraining

When people come to my official website to learn more about me as a Canadian motivational speaker and author, they will soon come across my About Clint Cora webpage.  Near the bottom of that webpage, they will see me with my two lhasa apso dogs Chester and Roxie.  It turns out that I’ve been a dog owner for years as these are my second pair of lhasa apsos.

One of the side projects I have out of my love for dogs is a dog specific website that helps new dog owners with basic dog and puppy training.  I have created a 13 minute video on basic commands that every new dog owner should teach their new puppy.  This video of course is free of charge and is accessible at my dog and puppy training website.

One of the projects that will come out of that website is an ebook that teaches new dog owners and experienced ones alike,  how to train their dogs to use a litterbox as this is an emerging movement especially for smaller breeds of dogs.  It turns out that I’ve always trained my dogs to eliminate indoors in a specific place so it was only natural that I share my training methods now that the dog litterbox has become a reality in the dog world.

The ebook itself is currently being written and it probably won’t be available until the fall.  As a Canadian motivational speaker, I can certainly say that there have been many complaints from fellow Canadians having to go outside in the cold winter nights just to let their dogs do their stuff.  I’m sure this is the same in the northern US states as well.

The option for a better way is available and a complete guide on how to do this will be available soon.  In the meantime, the basic dog training video featuring yours truly working with my two lhasa apsos Chester and Roxie is now available for free through my dog training website.  There is also a dog Facebook page too.

This is probably something that nobody expected from a Canadian motivational speaker but my position on this is if there’s good information that will help others, why not share it?

canadian motivational speaker dogs


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