Business Motivational Speakers With Pharmaceutical Sales Connection?

Business Motivational Speaker With Pharmaceutical Sales

You might have noticed that the pharmaceutical sales field gets mentioned sometimes with my name and if you are familiar with me in the business motivational speakers world, you might be wondering what the connection is.  Why is a motivational speaker karate guy involved with pharmaceutical sales?

Well, here’s the story.  After graduating with a MBA degree and trying out a few short term jobs, I settled into the pharmaceutical sales field and stayed in that industry for 14 years.  I started out as a pharmaceutical sales rep or drug rep as this position is commonly known as.  Then progressed through different senior positions until my last one which was national sales manager.

My Pharmaceutical Sales Project

The different positions I took on during this career gave me great experience in the pharmaceutical sales field plus my direct experience as both a trainer and a hiring manager of drug reps enabled me to write my book (and now audio program) ‘How To Get A Dream Job In Pharmaceutical Sales – Direct Inside Advice And Guidance From A Sales Manager‘.

As the title suggests, this book is geared towards those individuals who want to become drug reps which are great corporate sales careers.  Since this field is relatively hard to get in, I wanted to provide a resource for folks to learn all the ins and outs of breaking into pharmaceutical sales.

I created an entire separate website to support this project and it is anchored by a free fact filled webinar on pharmaceutical sales jobs for people who are new to the field.  This webinar gives people a good overview of the industry so they get a better bearing on where to start.  It also covers the qualifications required to become drug reps so people know exactly where they stand in terms of chances to get in.

This fact filled webinar resource is accessed at pharmaceutical sales jobs webinar and should be the starting point for anybody who is thinking of getting into this field.  If you know of anybody who is interested in this type of career, please pass the info about this free webinar to them as they will find the information invaluable.

The Business Motivational Speakers Angle

Since pharmaceutical sales forces out there constantly need continued motivation as all sales forces in all industries do, my role from the business motivational speakers world caters to existing companies who have sales meetings with their drug reps.  Since I was a drug rep as well as a pharmaceutical sales manager, the sales force audiences can relate to me well as I’m a business motivational speaker with direct experience in their industry.

For more details on my available speaking programs for business audiences, see my business motivational speaker page.  If you are with a company that could use a speaker for an upcoming meeting, please pass this webpage to the folks who are the meeting organizers.

Hope this clears everything up on why you will sometimes see me connected with pharmaceutical sales out there in the internet.

business motivational speaker pharmaceutical sales drug reps motivational speakers
Creative Commons License photo credit: Jamiesrabbits



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