Afraid Of Failing School?

Creative Commons License photo credit: Scintt

Failing School?

If you are nervous and afraid of failing school this year (assuming that you are at the university or college level), then at least it’s still early as we are here in September and there is still lots of time for you to make some changes in your school study habits.  By adjusting how you study will ensure the greatest chance of success in school.

After all, you don’t want to waste all those precious dollars spent on tuition, lodging, travel, books and other associated expenses connected with school, don’t you?

School Expenses Are Too High To Fail Out

School expenses are way too high anyway these days for you to fail out so don’t do it.  When I was speaking at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvannia one year, I had dinner with some of the student leaders who were in charge of organizing my talk.  We got around to talking about how much it costs to attend college these days.

The students told me that it costs anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 per year to send them to college or university.  I almost fell out of my seat when I heard those figures!

I remember that my own tuition at MBA school was only $1,200 per year although that was way back in 1985.  How things have changed and personally, I don’t think today’s education is worth over ten times the amount that it was when I was in college.

So to help you maximize your chances of not failing out of school, here is the video that I produced some time ago on my best school study skills.  Using this strategy will ensure that you never have to cram for exams again.

So if your current study habits resulted in you nearly failing out of school before, take a look at this video and make the necessary changes to make sure that you don’t fail.

Share This School Study Skills Video

Oh yeah, you might as well be nice to your friends at school too and share this video on school study skills with them.  And leave some comments here too if you like.


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