Office Staff Motivation Of Employees In Your Company – Motivational WebTV #22

Office Staff Motivation

If you noticed a drop in office staff motivation at work with your team, colleagues and even yourself, you are in good company.  An unmotivated staff is quite prevalent out there in many companies these days.  One of my audience members at a motivational talk I did last week noticed this trend too and during the question and answer session, he asked me how he could motivate the people at his company.

So this inspired me to produce an episode of Motivational WebTV to answer this question since I figured that there are lots of companies out there that could use some help on motivation of employees.

Just be coincidence, I recently released a new video aimed towards management of sales forces and customer service staff.  This video is not an episode of Motivational WebTV so there was a good chance that many of my viewers would actually never see this particular video that would be great for office motivation.

However, I now realize that some of the elements from that short video can be related to answering my audience member’s question.  So this Motivational WebTV episode will be another one of those ‘video in video’ sequences where you will see most of the original footage from that separate video within this episode.

Staff Motivation Of Employees

I also draw upon another past episode of Motivational WebTV to help answer this question of staff motivation of employees.  So here is the new episode.

So looks like the viewers of Motivational WebTV will get to see my Sales Meeting video after all within this new episode since there is some correlation.

If you have any friends or colleagues in the same boat with demotivated staff at work, please share this episode with them if they need some office motivation.  You may also want to share this video with your own company’s management as well if you think it would be applicable.  They can make some real changes in terms of staff motivation of employees at your company.

As mentioned in this episode, if there’s anything I can do to help motivate the people at your company or organization, feel free to contact me at my official Clint Cora website.


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